From the consumer’s view the channel is a shining example to others in terms of its massive back catalogue, regular updates and quality control, as well as giving you the full YT experience, with a backup channel and plenty of information on each album, sometimes even including full album reviews. When I first discovered the SMOD channel I was delighted, and who wouldn’t be really – a free and easy way to discover new doom, stoner and psych bands, all managed through a YouTube subscription. Beed wasn’t happy when Acid Mammoth chose to upload on 666MrDoom’s YouTube instead of SMOD Unfortunately, Clint is also the owner and administrator of the Stoned Meadow of Doom (SMOD) channel on YouTube, which as I write has over 353,000 subscribers and its own community Facebook group, which I was a member of – for a time.
If you’re one of those insufferable sods like me who’s “very online”, you might have seen some posts go around certain Facebook doom metal groups recently, featuring a snivelling waste of air named Clint Beed, who has a long history of making anti-Semitic, racist, homophobic and misogynist remarks.